Sunday, March 15, 2009

U-Blog 4

Operating Systems

I have always been a Windows person, by default more than anything. The computers I've used at work and school run Windows, and the two I have bought for myself have been Windows. I know how to use it and saw no real reason to change.

But I will need a new laptop soon...and I don't want Windows this time. Why? I refuse to use Vista- maybe it's improved, but it was rolled out too soon, and has so many bugs and kinks in it. Windows XP requires constant updates and is easily attacked by viruses. Users don't control it, a big company does.

Linux is attractive because it is open-source- a community of users builds it and improves on it. It appeals to the hacker in me. The desktop computer I am building in another TSTM class will have Linux.

However, if I buy a pre-built computer, it will have an OS. I'm thinking Mac- as it seems to be stable and well-regarded- and then dual-boot it with Linux.


  1. Nettie,
    You make a good point about Windows Vista. You are like thousands, if not millions of other consumers who are looking to buy a system, but want to stay away from Vista. I think you are right about it being rolled out too soon. Do you think it was Microsoft's way of pushing a "new" O.S. out to curb the Mac appeal? One things for sure they damaged their reputation as THE O.S. Giant. Lots of people love what their Macs can do and Leopard is very popular also. Microsoft will be releasing Windows 7 soon so maybe google it and see if it will be as effective as a new Mac might be. One things for sure, Windows 7 better be much better than Vista for Microsoft's sake.
    Good Post!

  2. Nettie, let us know what your inner-hacker decides to do! Dr. Keane ;=D
