Monday, March 16, 2009

U-Blog 5

In my Intro to TSTM class, we're building computers. I've done a lot on computers, but never in them. I'm enjoying learning how.

We have put all the pieces together- motherboard, processor, DVD player- and powered it up. Now we are working on installing Windows XP, drivers, etc. Soon we will take off Windows XP and install Linux.

It seems amazing to me that something I did can run and do familiar things. The knowledge I am acquiring is useful in many situations- such as using msconfig to (attempt to) remove a virus from a colleague's computer.


  1. What I have come to realize is that once you get down to how the part make things work you begin to see how the processes and components interact with the OS. Before putting together my first PC part of saw the computer as something that just worked (in a way like magic in light terms)not how it the collective product reflects the individual parts. Ever since I took that class I have a better understanding on how the computer operates and what possibilities it maybe able to accomplish in the future.
    You can know everything about how to use a computer but if you don't know what makes it up it you will not know the capabilities and reasons to why curtain process operate on the kernel level.

  2. I would like to add on to my comment by saying that experience is the best way to learn something because you did it and discovered the process of completing the tasks.
